sexta-feira, 2 de abril de 2021



Quanto tempo faz desde a última vez que te ouvi cair?

Parece que foi a uma eternidade que apreciei com a calma com que agora te aprecio enquanto lavas este mundo adoecido.

Forte fraca pequena grande tens tantas formas tantos feitios e és unicamente tu mesma sempre vens do alto para nós e a seu tempo ao alto voltarás para cair novamente num ciclo sem fim.

Como é bom poder te ouvir novamente nestas mesmas condições enquanto fazes um trabalho que é só teu.

Ajuda a lavar este mundo e leva contigo os nossos medos e preocupações do jeito que só tu sabes fazer.

Deixar fluir tudo enquanto cais e te ouvimos, fazendo esse trabalho ajuda a restaurar a calma e a paz interior.

terça-feira, 10 de março de 2020

#20 Reconhecimento

Numa era em que a tecnologia nos invade em qualquer canto, em que estamos constantemente online, se assim o desejarmos, tenho notado uma enorme falta de um pouco de humanidade.

Será essa falta devido a tecnologia? Podemos dizer que sim se quisermos arranjar um culpado e retirar as culpas de cima das pessoas.

Numa análise mais directa a culpa está mesmo nas pessoas em si, que começaram a perder a capacidade de “ver” as ligações que criam ou estão a criar com outras pessoas.

É notório também por diversos motivos que o online também traz um preconceito, o de desconfiança, pois como não conseguimos ver a pessoa e como não estamos fisicamente no mesmo espaço duvidamos se será mesmo quem afirma ser.

Esquecemos também das regras básicas de que não é tudo fácil, nem tudo depende de uma app, somos pessoas a lidar com pessoas, sempre fomos e sempre seremos, o que mudou foi o “interface” de frente a frente para de monitor para monitor e mais nos últimos anos de smartphone para smartphone.

Por isso deixo a dica, se sentem algo digam, se gostam de uma pessoa digam, se querem estar ou falar com a pessoa façam-no, valorizem quem vos valoriza acima de tudo, quebrem as novas barreiras do mundo, deixem de ser “insensíveis”, os smiles existem para ajudar a transmitir sensações, usem-nos de acordo.

E acima de tudo, não finjam ser alguém que não são, pois é fácil assumir uma “persona” online e quando forem descobertos perde-se o encanto e a relação que levou tempo a construir destrói-se muito mais rápido.

quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2015

#19 Divulgação do Livro "Supremacia - OS LAGOS DOS SONHOS"

Hoje venho partilhar algo diferente.

Partilho a obra de Alex S. Pereira intitulada Os Lagos dos Sonhos, o primeiro livro da saga Supremacia.

Um livro de ficção que nos leva para um mundo diferente do habitual, envolvendo Vampiros sobre um novo e original ponto de vista, feitiçaria como nunca imaginaram antes e um conjunto de diferentes criaturas para conhecer, tudo isto começa dentro das muralhas que protegem a Escola da Supremacia.

Estou ainda a meio do livro e tenho que dizer que estou a adorar e venho divulgar para que possam partilhar do mesmo sentimento.

Ficando a aguardar o próximo livro da saga que em poucos dias devo terminar a leitura.

quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014


Inspirado num post que vi no linkedin a um bom tempo atrás:

What if I never left my first programmer company?

I could give a short and direct answer because I know too well what was planned for me and what direction was set to my work.
So I'll give you an insight of things.

Starting from day 1, it was a new world of wonders, we (me and the 3 colleagues that joined at the same time as me) were promised a place were
we could get formation on the software we were starting, a great work environment, and nice view to the ocean.
The first times were a bit boring due to the learning materials that were a lot of theory and no practice for the girls made sense since they were going to
be consultants while me and the one that became a good friend were excited to try developing something even if it was just a few lines of code that would
do something.
After a while I met the one that became a mentor to both me and a friend, he was a great person with a wide range of perspectives to deal with the program,
some "out of the box" solutions.
We drank from his words because he always tried to teach us the best way to do things, take some considerations before doing the task we were given, basically he
wanted us to become great professionals.
And sure we loved those days starting to program something as he gave us simple tasks for a senior developer but hard ones for us since we were learning a new
programming logic.
Our preparation for both was to be ready to deal with the thing that we in short time realized that was the worst job in the company, although we became good
doing that kind of job I was the first starting to become unmotivated feeling like my brain was shrinking day by day hour by hour. The company needed guys like
us who could do that job so kept us doing that for several months.
I got a bit better since I started not to care with the pressure to deliver the job, the hell with it I thought since my job was being evaluated by someone with
less knowledge than I and the evaluation that person could make was the old version against the new and verify if it was an 100% copy of the old version no
and given to that person knowledge and instructions well, I decided if I had to guarantee a copy then I didn't need that person at all unless I felt that I had
the job done.
In time a new co-worker joined the company and things got a little better it is a great person to work with and together us 3 had a good work group that latter
became a 4 people group.
Have to mention that our mentor did all he could to get different work for me and for my friend and we both are way grateful for that we knew he could only
do a little but at least someone cared for us at least someone and everyone knew that we were in a need of a time off of that job.
In time I started to send my CV to other companies my friend also did it, we wanted to try to find something secure for us since the contract was soon to end and
we didn't have feedback from the company if we were going to leave or stay.
It was a bad when our mentor left but it was a job change and we were happy for him it was a great opportunity.
Sometimes we had lunch with him we gathered around a round table in the restaurant we used to eat, not much expensive, good food and great staff.
And as time passed both of us got a proposition for work, we stayed till the end of the contract no more no less.
When they decided to talk to us we both had our exchange coin, I didn't use I wanted to get out of there so I let the Human Resources guy thinking I was going
to be unemployed haha, that was a funny trick.
As for my friend he tried to bargain but no chance so we both left.
We still keep in touch with some of the friends we made inside that company because it's not a company that binds us it's people.

segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013


Long time since the last one

I'm happy to see that this time the papers changed.

Every tinny little action received the right reaction back.
Your indifference turned by difference returned indifference.
You caused it step by step and so the difference set sail into indifference.

Time flew by till the time turned into today
and the path that had a step in common now it's like
parallel paths that are destined to never to meet
a sad and happy turning.

Cause one doesn't seem to be able to exist with the other
now that the indifference is set maybe we can still met.

quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012


Felt like spreading some "way of the Samurai" in here, hope you like it!

And on that day, that dark day the samurai talked with his best friend to go with him.
His friend didn't knew what it was going to happen after the walk, as usual both had their weapons with them.
In the middle of a blossom tree forest the samurai stopped in from of a stool that had a tanto on top of it.
Doushite? The best friend asked.
What else other than redeem myself for the shame that i have caused? The samurai replied.
A deadly silence took place between both of them, while the wind crossed the blossom trees carring with him some blossom petals.
Let's end this pain quickly i don't want to keep these cursed strings that bind me to this work any longer.
The samurai asked while kneeling down in from of the stool.
Draw your blade friend to redeem myself it has to be you.
The samurai said after opening his kimono to make his abdomen visible for the tanto to cut.
The best friend hesitated for minutes that seem to be ages, but there was no way he could stop it, it was the law of the samurai and he knew that it was such an honor to do it for him.
With a quick movement the best friend draw his katana and stood on the right side of the samurai, with the katana in position for the decapitation.
See you when you die old friend the samurai said and cut his abdomen.
Yes the best friend answered and decapitated him, lefting his head hold by a small piece of skin and muscles so it wouldn't fell off right away.
Then the best friend saved his sword, bow to his friend and turned back returning home.

quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012


O "olho da mente".

É talvez a "coisa" mais engraçada que todos temos.

Apesar de não parecer ele obedece um pouco a nossa vontade, permitindo-nos ou não ver o que queremos, e as vezes a realidade.

Ficando nós iludidos em relação ao mundo ou a alguem, da mesma maneira que podemos simplesmente estar cegos/ignorar algo que teme-mos que possa ser verdade.

Quando estamos presos a algo com uma força significativamente grande, perdemos a visão para outras que poderão ser melhores do que essa em todos os aspectos.

Deixo para relectirem:
"O quão disposto(a) estás para ver a realidade?
E se a vires tens força para a aceitar?"