quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012


Felt like spreading some "way of the Samurai" in here, hope you like it!

And on that day, that dark day the samurai talked with his best friend to go with him.
His friend didn't knew what it was going to happen after the walk, as usual both had their weapons with them.
In the middle of a blossom tree forest the samurai stopped in from of a stool that had a tanto on top of it.
Doushite? The best friend asked.
What else other than redeem myself for the shame that i have caused? The samurai replied.
A deadly silence took place between both of them, while the wind crossed the blossom trees carring with him some blossom petals.
Let's end this pain quickly i don't want to keep these cursed strings that bind me to this work any longer.
The samurai asked while kneeling down in from of the stool.
Draw your blade friend to redeem myself it has to be you.
The samurai said after opening his kimono to make his abdomen visible for the tanto to cut.
The best friend hesitated for minutes that seem to be ages, but there was no way he could stop it, it was the law of the samurai and he knew that it was such an honor to do it for him.
With a quick movement the best friend draw his katana and stood on the right side of the samurai, with the katana in position for the decapitation.
See you when you die old friend the samurai said and cut his abdomen.
Yes the best friend answered and decapitated him, lefting his head hold by a small piece of skin and muscles so it wouldn't fell off right away.
Then the best friend saved his sword, bow to his friend and turned back returning home.